
Episode 46: Smokable Hemp Ban II with Susan Hays

Super Cannabis Attorney and Texas Agriculture Commissioner candidate Susan Hays joins the show for episode 46. In the episode she discusses the issues that took place with the ruling, the confusion still in place for businesses, advice for businesses, a little bit about her candidacy, and much more. For more information on Susan Hays visit https://hays4ag.com […]

texas supreme court ruled red on hemp and kept the manufacture ban

Week of 6/25/2022 Cannabis News: SCOTX upholds smokable hemp ban, Killeen weighs decrim measure legality, TOCC opens permanent pick up location

This week in review the Texas Supreme Court has upheld the manufacture and processing ban on smokable hemp products while upholding the distribution and sales ban injunction put in place by lower courts. Killeen weighs on the legality of having a decriminalization measure on the ballot in the upcoming election cycle. Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation has opened a permanent pick up location for prescriptions in Houston, Texas. Audio player included for those on the go. […]

Texas News

Texas Supreme Court upholds smokable hemp ban, strikes down retail ban

In a 5-4 decision the Texas Supreme Court has upheld that the manufacture and processing of smokable hemp is illegal in Texas. The states highest civil court decision was delivered by Justice Boyd. A concurring opinion was filed by Justice Young, and joined by Justice Hecht, Divine, and Blacklock. The decision kept the manufacture and processing part of the smokable hemp the intact. But maintained the injunction in other areas of smokable hemp. […]


Episode 2: Susan Hays and the Smokable Hemp Ban Lawsuit

This week’s podcast guest is Susan Hays. Ms. Hays was one of the attorneys involved in the smokable hemp ban case in Texas, which just received a permanent injunction from the district court in Travis County. Susan explains the timeline of the case and what this truly means plus much more. Visit Txcannaco.com to hear the entire show and learn the details of the recent hemp case. […]