At the end of March, Nintendo released a game that was awaited by fans of the Animal Crossing (AC) series for quite some time. The last game was released for the Nintendo 3DS, as there was not a Wii U edition in the game series. The Switch was released in 2017 and the last AC game came out in 2012.
These games have always been aimed at being playable by young children, filled with simple dialogue that covered a spectrum of emotions. They contain no violence, the music tries to be relaxed regardless of the genre, and the characters even look much like kids. There are chances to fish, catch bugs, collect artwork and dig up fossils on your own individualized island in the game. All of which have a museum curator to explain these topics to you, helping you learn and grow as a person outside of the game too. Sounds like something the peace and tranquility desiring cannabis consumer would dream of, right?
Then there are some things that some could argue are not intended to be stoner references, but they sure do come across as being so.
In the game, you have to collect what is known as weed or weeds on the island. Its a part of tidying up your island. But the reference doesn’t stop there with this item. Once you put the weeds in your pocket or home storage in the game, the icon to represent these weeds is a bag of grass. Literally, a bag of grass.

Then there are the star fragments. They look like shatter if you ask me. Varying grades of shatter. Star fragments come from wishing upon a shooting star in the game. Some refer to this as star-dust (not to be confused with the heavenly named but demonly resulting angel-dust). But when one takes a look at the fragments, they look like some honey shatter or glass shatter.

That may be a stretch for some, and understandably. But wow, did some of these conversations tip the scale. Disclaimer: We have no way of verifying immediately whether these occurred in-game or not. Likely it is achieved by having customed names and nicknames in the game.

Pot references make some uncomfortable, even in the game.

Note: You don’t cook in the game despite being able to design a kitchen space.

Perhaps we’re looking too much into this game due to the COVID-19 giving some people more time to indulge. Either way, it’s fun to play and funny to read about.
We’ll just leave this here for your entertainment.