The Initial Days of The New TCUP: A Veteran’s Perspective

Veteran David Bass gives his perspective on the current TCUP expansion seen after the 87th legislative session in Texas.
Speaker Spotlight: Texas Hemp Growers’ Zack Maxwell

Zack Maxwell was a perfect candidate to found an organization whose purpose is representing the best interests of Texas hemp farmers
Veteran-Made Hemp: An Interview with Oak Cliff Cultivators CEO Eddie Velez

Among the parties that will defeat the Thanos of cannabis prohibition known as Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, one will undoubtedly be veteran advocates such as Eddie Velez.
Advocacy and Societal Matters in Cannabis: An Interview with Cleveland Cannabis School President Tyrone Russell

With droves of educational and professional experience in the subjects of advocacy and social reform is Chief Executive Officer of Faces International marketing agency and President of the Cleveland School of Cannabis. With a presentation entitled “Educate your Government Officials on Cannabis and the Benefits will last for Generations”,
Community Spotlight: Patrick Pope and Liz Grow of Grow House Media

In this article of community spotlight: Grow House media has something they wanna show you about Texas Cannabis, and they wanna have fun along the way. Read more about Grow House Media and their adventures to legalize cannabis in Texas. Read all about it at
My Texan Medical Refugee Story

Our very own writer Josh Kasoff describes his family’s history as refugees fleeing from Nazi Germany, to his own refugees story as a Texas resident fleeing for cannabis freedom to treat health issues. Check out to read more about this story.
Corruption in the Texas Hemp Industry Already Reported

Texans are facing a new reality as an AG Commissioner consultant Todd Smith is arrested on felony theft charges.
Representing the Hemp Industry: Ilissa Nolan and Texas Hemp Coalition’s Mission

With the agricultural prowess and advantages that The Lone Star State holds and an Agriculture Commissioner who ardently supports the industry flourishing in Texas,
Providing CBD For South Texas: The Story of Nature’s Joint

Occurring on April 24th in Manchaca just south of Austin hosted at the Manchaca Springs Saloon, the ATX Hemp and Wellness Expo will be a collection of speakers, networking events, CBD infused snacks and even yoga sessions.
Texas Man Dies In Jail After Being Arrested For Low-Level Marijuana Possession

It’s an overstated and almost moot statement by this point, but the socio-economic devastation caused by the War on Drugs can’t ever be understated. Millions of lives, billions of opportunities […]