TX Cannabis Collective

Beware Of Headlines, The MORE Act Has Not Passed The House.

MerryJane is a great outlet for national cannabis news. I’m not going to knock on the meat of their articles. I’m not even going to knock on the headlines as much as I am going to say, be aware.

Image from marijuanastocks.com

In the middle of November, MerryJane published an article titled, “Congress Plans to Vote on Federal Cannabis Legalization This Week“. The issue here is that the title is using Congress as short hand for “House Judiciary Committee.” That is not the full House of Representatives, and is only a portion. This is an issue because people read the headline and assume that the complete House is going to vote on the MORE Act in the next week.

This article you’re reading now is just a note to help stop assumed misinformation as quickly as possible within our own cannabis community. We know that you rely on us at Texas Cannabis Collective to have the facts for you and dispel any rumors that may be floating around. We want you in the loop and we want you in the loop informed as best as possible.

The MORE act does not have a scheduled date for a complete House vote. In the meanwhile, contact your representatives to tell them you are a voter and you care about legalization of cannabis.

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