This week in our short news segment Texas DPS announces hiring a consultant to open up licenses and be ready for future TCUP expansion by the legislature. Power Biopharms donated gummies to breast cancer sufferers and survivors, and Bernie Sanders told Texans at rallies that it’s time to legalize.
We’ve added an audio player below for those on the go. Don’t get distracted, listen to the news update while you are driving. Video version at the bottom of the article.
Texas DPS Public Safety Commission took action this past Thursday to expand the state’s Compassionate Use Program, also known as TCUP.
The move was made so that the program can accommodate the growing number of Texans wanting access medical marijuana.
“For the last 18 months, we have seen a significant increase in the growth of patients within the program, approximately averaging about a 10% month-over-month growth,” Chief Wayne Mueller of the Texas Department of Public Safety said to KXAN News.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
In the next 18 to 24 months, there will likely be 100,000 patients in Texas using medical marijuana, Mueller said.
The commission now plans to hire a consultant to help them grow the program by putting more licensees in the market that can distribute medical marijuana to patients.
“While we are in this fledgling stage with this program, I think bringing in a person or an entity that has experience with other state programs that were at the same point (at some) time will give us some vital insights so that we’re not trying to reinvent any wheels,” Mueller said.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
As well, the commissioners also decided on a working group to help effectuate any changes made in the next Texas legislative session. On top of that a resolution was passed to allow current licensees to open satellite locations across the state to create easier access to the medicine.
Power Biopharms Donated Thousands in Gummies to DFW Breast Cancer Patients
Fort Worth based hemp farm, Power Biopharms, donated hundreds of bags of their gummies to breast cancer patients and survivors in their community.
As part of a charitable initiative, Power Biopharms agreed to donate a bag of gummies for each bag of gummies sold throughout the month of October to the Dallas-based charity organization: The Bridge Breast Network.
Read more about TCUP (Texas Compassionate Use Program)
“This is such a great opportunity to help real people in our community,” says Colt Power, founder and CEO of Power Biopharms. “We have a great admiration for the work that is done at The Bridge and we wanted to do something that aligns with what we believe in: the power of Cannabis.”
“This is something we’re able to do right now,” explains Power. “This is helping real people today.”
Read more about Delta-8 in Texas
Bernie Sanders made several stops in Texas this past Saturday as part of the Get Out The Vote rally, mentioning cannabis along the way.
Sanders made stops in San Marcos and in Austin to speak to residents and students in the community.
“This is not easy stuff. But for the future of this country, for our great country, for all those who fought and died to defend our country, I hope very much you guys will roll up your sleeves and get to work and make this country the kind of country you know and I know that we can become,” Bernie said to attendees.
Sanders also made note of cannabis reform that needs to take place in the state and across the nation.
“And when too many young people have developed criminal records for the possession of marijuana, we should legalize marijuana.”
If there is something going on in the Texas cannabis space that you think others should be aware of, just drop us a note on our contact form. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and search for Lonestar Collective Podcast in your search engine to get updates about our show and weekly news. Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates as well. Early voting starts soon and we hope to you’ll voice your opinion on ending cannabis prohibition at the polls in the upcoming election
This is amazing, thank You for sharing this.