Realistic perspective on kids & THC today

On 11/01/2022, WFAA News broke a story that shocked us all. Four small children were taken to the hospital and found to have ingested THC. It was then discovered that a worker at the daycare.. read more at

TXCANNACO made it easy for you to vote for us in the Texas Hemp Awards

We all know that when awards voting takes place in a community, we want our favorite brand to get our vote. We also don’t want to spend a lot of time looking for our choice though. You’ve got plenty of great options to pick from in the current lineup this year. Visit and you’ll see that all of the categories that include us have been selected. You can opt to fill in the other categories if you desire or just finish the form and click submit. If you just want to vote for us, all you need to do is complete the end of the form and click submit.

Nobody is giving children cannabis edibles for Halloween

Every year you can count on an outlet posting an article about how either a law enforcement agency or advocacy group is pushing the idea that your neighbors just wanna see your kids suffer by giving them tainted Halloween candy.

Another reason why Texas possibly won’t legalize marijuana any time soon

Almost 3 years ago I wrote a similar article titled This Is The Biggest Reason Why Texas Won’t Legalize Marijuana Any Time Soon. So far the article hasn’t really been inaccurate. Accurate, even with the growing number of people supporting the legalization of marijuana in the state. This new article adds a layer of recent events and 3 years of observation on the topic.

Clayton County edibles arrest highlights disparities across state and nation

Recently, two young men were arrested and accused of possession of THC edibles in Clay County Texas causing note to disparities in the system. Read about the disparities between the state and its neighbors, the counties and cities of Texas. As well, disparities across the justice system in how these cases are handled. Check out the article today and learn why we all need to be involved in changing this.

From SWAT Team to CBD Business Owner: Trey Phillips of Thrive Apothecary

Trey Phillips, co-owner of Thrive Apothecary is in our community spotlight today with quite a story to tell. few advocates in Texas can say that they served years in Fort Worth law enforcement and even a number of years serving in the Tactical Operations Division SWAT Team of Fort Worth . Yet, such is the unconventional career trajectory of Trey Phillips. From arguably the strongest prohibitionist stance of anyone in Texas, the journey that Phillips took from seasoned lawman to cannabis advocate and CBD store owner of Thrive Apothecary is remarkable. Check it out today and learn more about Trey, his wife Lisa and their medical cannabis business in Texas.

Once Again, House Republicans Vote Against The MORE Act

If there’s one point that needs to be stressed when discussing American cannabis reform and those who are advocating for those reforms, it’s that there is considerable support from conservatives for those very reforms.