Week of 7/16/2022 Cannabis News: Sid Miller, Weed and Auto Insurance, Brittney Griner Update
This week in review Sid Miller has penned an opinion piece posted to the Texas Agriculture website supporting medical marijuana expansion, Brittney Griner’s attorney submitted to the court the Griner is a medical patient, and a new study showed the auto insurance rates decrease when marijuana is legalized because accidents go down. Audio player version included for those on the go.
Week of 7/09/2022 Cannabis News: Brittney Griner pleads guilty, White House affirms Griner being held wrongfully, TX NFL star gets possession charges, VA home loans for marijuana workers
This week in review Brittney Griner has plead guilty to bringing marijuana vape cartridges into Russia. The White House has doubled down on its claims that Griner is being held wrongfully even after the guilty plea. Texas NFL star David Moore was arrested for felony possession of marijuana and weapons charges on July 4th. The VA released a letter stating that veterans are eligible to get a COE for a home loan while working in a state legal marijuana industry. Audio player version included for those on the go.
Week of 6/25/2022 Cannabis News: SCOTX upholds smokable hemp ban, Killeen weighs decrim measure legality, TOCC opens permanent pick up location
This week in review the Texas Supreme Court has upheld the manufacture and processing ban on smokable hemp products while upholding the distribution and sales ban injunction put in place by lower courts. Killeen weighs on the legality of having a decriminalization measure on the ballot in the upcoming election cycle. Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation has opened a permanent pick up location for prescriptions in Houston, Texas. Audio player included for those on the go.
Texas Supreme Court upholds smokable hemp ban, strikes down retail ban
In a 5-4 decision the Texas Supreme Court has upheld that the manufacture and processing of smokable hemp is illegal in Texas. The states highest civil court decision was delivered by Justice Boyd. A concurring opinion was filed by Justice Young, and joined by Justice Hecht, Divine, and Blacklock. The decision kept the manufacture and processing part of the smokable hemp the intact. But maintained the injunction in other areas of smokable hemp.
Week of 6/18/2022 Cannabis News: Congressional Veterans Equal Access Act, Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero, Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation
This week in review bipartisan congressional members are pushing for a veterans medical marijuana bill titled Veterans Equal Access Act , Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero is reported on for working with veterans groups to donate funds and give products, and a REIT known as IIP has purchased a medical marijuana grow facility from Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation. Audio player included for those on the go.
San Marcos reaches signature goal for decriminalization effort
Mano Amiga, working with Ground Game Texas and Texas Cannabis Collective has reached the signature goal to put decriminalization on the ballot in November. Check out the article for more information on the press anouncement this coming Wednesday.
Texas primary runoff results could have impact on state cannabis laws
Texans went to the polls Tuesday for a second time in the primary season to decide who goes to the ballot in November. Some of these elections could have some long term impacts on the cannabis industry in Texas. Here’s a few that likely matter more.
Austin citizens vote to end misdemeanor marijuana arrests and no-knock warrants.
The city of Austin has passed Prop A by vote which will eliminate misdemeanor marijuana arrests and ban the use of no-knock warrants by city officers.
Veterans gather for medical marijuana conference in Killeen
This past Saturday, veterans from across the state gathered at the Killeen Civic and Conference Center to hear from various speakers about the state of medical cannabis in Texas.
SCOTX hears oral arguments on smokable hemp ban
Tuesday morning the Supreme Court of Texas heard oral arguments on smokable hemp ban put in place by both HB 1325 and Department of State Health Services (DSHS).