TX Cannabis Collective

Episode 41: Piper Lindeen – MS Medical Cannabis Sciences and Therapeutics

piper lindeen lonestar collective podcast

Jesse and Loren cohost this week with guest Piper Lindeen while Austin is out on vacation. Piper is a graduate from the University of Maryland masters of science program for Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics. Piper has been an advocate in Texas for cannabis change since the inception of the TCUP program when it was just intractable epilepsy.

Her family was one of the first to enter the program and watch it change over the years. In this episode we talk about her background with her family and their journey, how she found out about this new medical program offered in Maryland, challenges she faced in the classes and getting accepted, along with the things that she learned that may open the eyes of cannabis advocates and the preconceived notions they have about the plant as a medical treatment. 

You can also see the Piper Lindeen interview video on Spotify regardless of having a paid or free account, if on mobile you will need the app to do so. Be sure to check out our TXCANNACO YouTube channel. Just search for Texas Cannabis Collective on YouTube to watch the videos and subscribe to our channel for updates. Just click subscribe below.

You can also find this award winning podcast featuring Piper Lindeen on Apple, iHeart and Google Podcasts. If that ain’t your cup of tea, we’re also on BreakerOvercastPocket CastsRadio Public, and Stitcher.

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Next episode is 42 and the guest will be Sky and Hobbs organics and the Navarro County hemp raid.




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