Guest Piper Lindeen joins us again with Jesse and Gramps at the helm for the episode. Piper joins this time to talk about her work with Americans for Safe Access. In this episode we discuss the ASA Challenge, Unity program, and how she is doing advocacy and educational work on a national level. Piper is a graduate from the University of Maryland masters of science program for Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics. Piper has been an advocate in Texas for cannabis change since the inception of the TCUP program when it was just intractable epilepsy. Her family was one of the first to enter the program and watch it change over the years. For more information visit https://www.safeaccessnow.org/.
Perhaps you want to see the video version of the seasonal update podcast? Well, we’ve got it uploaded on to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. As well, our channel has quite a few past episodes waiting for you in a collection to binge like a bunch of Marvel tv shows.
You can also find this award winning podcast featuring Jesse and Gramps on Apple, iHeart and Google Podcasts. And it has even been nominated for another Texas Hemp Award. Voting has been made easy by clicking here. If that ain’t your cup of tea, we’re also on Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, and Stitcher.
As well, if you subscribe to Txcannaco.com you’ll get an email every time we publish an article and that includes our weekly podcast. It’s the easiest way to stay up to date with cannabis news, culture, and people in Texas. You can find our other podcast episodes here that include our news updates.
We hope that everyone has taken the time to go out an vote if they haven’t already done so. Early voting ends November 4th and election day is November 8th.