Please come out and join us in spreading love and support while we enjoy some good music and friends all in support of our fellow cannabis warrior, Akila P Wienecke in her battle against breast cancer.
Cover is $5 at the door but larger donations will be accepted. 100% of proceeds go to Akila’s recovery.
Akila and her husband Dave have been long time supporters of Texas cannabis activism. Ms. Wienecke has been continuously lobbying in person at the state capitol for all Texans to get improved access to a herb that offers so much to its users. We hope that Texans will come out to support her and enjoy a wonderful night of music, drinks, and blazing fun at the Flamingo Cantina.
We want to thank Moe and Angela at Flamingo Cantina for their support on this event and over the years for their cannabis activism as well.
Flamingo Cantina
515 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701-3741,
Doors open at 8pm and music starts at 9pm. $5 cover at the door