TX Cannabis Collective

No, there wasn’t a Delta-8 court date you missed

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On January 28th, Texans awaited a court hearing that was not scheduled to take place anymore regarding Delta-8 after the case was taken to the appellate court.

Advocates of cannabis in Texas questioned the outcome of a January 28th scheduled hearing on delta-8 that was scheduled back in late November of 2021. That date never came to be because the injunction was challenged by the state at both the appellate court level and the state Texas Supreme Court level.

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The confusion likely came as media outlets had reported similar news to TCC, but possibly did not update their articles to reflect the change in the court date. As well, with the consistent shifts in what is taking place with a court case it can be hard to track and pin down at times when court cases are rescheduled or removed from the schedule altogether.

“There was supposed to be a court date today, but because it’s gone to the appellate court and then the Supreme Court and then back to the appellate court, that court date for today for January 28 is no longer valid. So where we’re at right now, the case is in the Appellate court. The suit is in the Appellate court and we expect it to be really six to twelve months before we hear anything from the Appellate court,” stated Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero in a video posted to Youtube.

Gilkey continued, stating that in the meantime, they are working on the legislative session that’s upcoming in 2023.

The trial will be heard by the appellate court but a date has not been announced. In the meanwhile to stay up to date make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to know when we post articles, and check out our latest podcast episodes of Lonestar Collective which include political candidate interviews.

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