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Nominations for the 3rd Annual Texas Hemp Awards opening soon

The nominations for public voting of the 3rd annual Texas Hemp Awards will be opening soon.

Nominations will start in September and an exact date is still being determined. Voting on the nominees will begin in October.  The Texas Hemp Awards has stated that exact dates will likely be determined in the next week.

Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas

Texas-based nominee categories will include:

·     Hemp retail brick and mortar

·     Hemp e-commerce (no brick and mortar)

·     Processor: manufacturing, extraction, etc. (must have processing license and be cGMP compliant or had recent health department inspection)

·     Advocate/Warrior

·     Production: print, video, blog, podcasts, etc.

·     Ancillary support: lawyer, accounting, packaging, etc.

·     Texas related Cannabis legalization/hemp themed self-made meme

·     Best Texas Hemp event

·     Texas-based nonprofit with a cannabis-focused mission

National-based​ nominees categories will include:

·     National educator (certification earned)

·     National based nonprofit with a cannabis-focused mission

·     Influencer

Judging Panels

As well, submissions of products for a judging panel of the 3rd annual Texas Hemp Awards will be opening soon. Anybody wishing to submit will be required to submit one sample to Bluebonnet Labs for full panel testing in mid-September. If the sample passes, then 10 samples can be submitted for judging. The following products will be judged:

·     Texas Hemp beauty product

·     Best Grow to Finale Product (Vertically Integrated Company)

Texas Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids (CBD, CBC, CBN, etc.):

·     beverage

·     capsules

·     edibles: gummies

·     edibles: non-gummies

·     indoor-grown flower (must have TX grower’s license)

·     outdoor-grown flower (must have TX grower’s license)

·     preroll

·     tincture

·     topical

Read more about Delta-8 in Texas

Texas Hemp-Derived Tetra Cannabinoids (D8, D10, THCV, THCP, etc.):

·     beverage

·     capsules

·     edibles: gummies

·     edibles: non-gummies

·     indoor-grown flower (must have TX grower’s license)

·     outdoor-grown flower (must have TX grower’s license)

·     preroll

·     tincture

·     topical

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