The San Marcos city council convened Tuesday evening, deciding to send a marijuana decriminalization ordinance to the ballot in November.
Mano Amiga along with other advocacy groups such a Ground Game Texas and Texas Cannabis Collective gathered signatures of registered voters across several months. Those signatures were delivered to San Marcos City Hall at the end of May, and were verified just this past week. The San Marcos City Council was then required to decide on whether to pass the measure themselves or send it to the November election ballot.
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“Our team is thrilled with city council’s decision to allow the voters to approve this measure at the ballot box themselves,” Sam Benavides of Mano Amiga told the Texas Cannabis Collective.
Benavides noted it is showing their community the change they’re capable of creating when they show up for one another & steadily work towards a cause. Benavides stated that the people are the reason they got to this point and they will be the ones to take this over the finish line.
Several members of the team spoke on the agenda item during the open comment section.

“I think voting to keep people out of prison (for marijuana possession) and voting for decriminalization will help save lives,” Abigail Milam, a graduate student at TXST University, told the city council.
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“It is through this campaign that our community is learning the power they hold as a collective,” Benavides commented to the city council
The measure will appear on the city ballot for the residents of San Marcos during the November 8th election.