Is Delta-8 banned or illegal in Texas, DSHS thinks so

Friday October 18th, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) announced on a FAQ page that delta-8 was illegal to sell in the state. Read about the unfolding story as groups in Texas, farmers, and retailers tell of concerns and plans to fight…
DSHS gets feedback at public hearing over hemp law

The Texas Department of State Health Services held a public hearing to gather feedback from stake holders on creating Chapter 443 of the health and Safety code.
DSHS to Hold Public Meeting for Input on Implementing Hemp Bill

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) released a news update on September 24th, notifying the public that it would be conducting an open meeting on October 3rd at […]
Texas Prohibitionist Leaders Are Struggling With The New Hemp Law.

This article first appeared on This past month has seen some counties dropping minor possession charges for marijuana. Others not so much. Denton, Dallas, Travis, Williamson and Bexar counties […]