It’s time to take action on SB3 and SB1505, SB3 voted unanimously out of committee

It’s time to take actions as SB3 was voted out of committee while SB1505 remains on hold.
TX Cannabis Collective Citizen Lobby Day is how you can help during the 89th legislative session of 2025

TX Cannabis Collective Citizen Lobby Day is a way you can help show your elected officials how you feel on cannabis
SB3 arrives in Texas Senate committee to disinvent the Texas hemp market

A new bill making its way through the Texas Legislature could dramatically reshape the state’s hemp industry. Senate Bill 3, introduced by Senator Perry, seeks to ban…
Texas Senate Committee holds hearing on ban of delta-8 and delta-9 THC in hemp products

The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs convened Wednesday morning to discuss various topics to include the legal status of cannabinoids found in legal hemp products. Here’s what went down.
Increased Texas hemp raids raises flags from activists and law firms

The industry has been taking a hit from raids, and our Executive Director Austin Z. spoke with Rae Guyse of Ritter Spencer Cheng law firm to get the dirt on […]
Texas Appeals Court rules that DSHS did not have authority to schedule delta-8 THC

The Texas Court of Appeals 3rd district ruled the Department of State Health services did not follow procedure and did not have the power to ban delta-8 by placing it on the controlled substances list. Read the article for a breakdown of what took place and this verdict means
Episode 91: Roger Pilney of Radix House

This episode, Gramps hosts as Roger Pilney of Radix House joins the show as a guest.
Episode 89: Donnie Gum of iComply Oklahoma

Join us for episode 89 of the award winning podcast, this week’s host is executive director Austin Zamhariri with guest Donnie Gum.
Episode 87: Bentley Paiz for Comal County Commissioner

Gramps and Austin Z. interview Bentley Paiz, a candidate running for the position of Comal County Commissioner. Paiz is an 18-year-old activist from New Braunfels, former candidate for New Braunfels City Council and present candidate for Comal County Commissioner
Ep 79 and 80: Post-Lobby Day and Jay Maguire of the THF.

Board Members Gramps, Loren and Jesse went live to discuss the Medical Marijuana Lobby Day that took place on March 14th. For Ep 80, Jay Maguire joins the LCP as the guest with Jesse as host. Jay talks about issues the legislature is facing with hemp bills and how people can be proactive