Episode 99: Shaun Salvaje of TxCC Veterans Outreach and Highly Informed

Gramps speaks with veteran Shaun Salvaje. Shaun is the Veterans Outreach Director for the Texas Cannabis Collective. Shaun is a retired military photojournalist working at the intersections of entheogenic education, transformational medicine, and human performance optimization. She is also the creator of Highly Informed. Check out the interview with her here on the Lonestar Collective Podcast.
Episode 97: Joseph McCrary former Peachtree NORML Comms Director

This episode features Gramps interviewing Joseph McCrary. Joseph was the Peachtree NORML communications director, managing social media relations and developing contacts with NORML members, influencers, community leaders, and media.
Episode 95: Reagan Hatch of CannaSite

Gramps discusses CannaSite with Reagan Hatch, the visionary behind an innovative company. They sat down to discuss CannaSite’s groundbreaking approach to website development. Running a company that prides itself on the ability to construct a complete website within just one week, they shared insights into their unique methodology.
Episode 91: Roger Pilney of Radix House

This episode, Gramps hosts as Roger Pilney of Radix House joins the show as a guest.
Episode 81: Andrew DeAngelo: Cannabis Industry Consultant and Strategic Advisor

Get ready for an electrifying interview, folks! The legendary Gramps is about to have a heart-pumping conversation with none other than the cannabis trailblazer himself, Andrew DeAngelo! Founder of Harborside, Last Prisoner Project, and his own cannabis consulting firm, Andrew DeAngelo Consulting, Andrew is a true visionary and a force to be reckoned with in the cannabis industry.
Episode 78: Paul Trowe of Herban Bud

Gramps joins guest Paul Trowe, CEO of Herban Bud, an Austin-based company that provides premium quality Delta 8, Delta 9, HHC and THCa legal cannabis alternatives that are still legally formulated.
Episode 76: Nikki Lawley of “Nikki and the Plant”

Gramps chats with Nikki about her story, how she was injured with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The two then go into discussion about how she was at the end of her rope when she found cannabis. Nikki also discusses how she works with ASA around the country and world with trying to educate lawmakers and people about cannabis.
Lonestar Collective Ep 75: Nicole Wright of Lone Star Naturals

In this episode of the Lone Star Naturals podcast, Nicole Wright of Lone Star Naturals joins the Gramps to discuss natural health with hemp. If you’re interested in learning more about natural health and how to improve your health through various methods, be sure to check out the Lone Star Collective podcast!
Episode 72: Jen Powell

Gramps hosts this weeks episode with guest Jen Powell. She talks about how she become very healthy & replaced all her bad habits with working out and using cannabis.
She says she’s happier than ever and has even lost over 100lbs. She wants people to know that these stories of how people can be happier and still successful because of cannabis need to be out there. Listen to her story today on the Lonestar Collective Podcast.
Episode 71: Debbie Wilson of Neurology and Endocannabinoids

Debbie Wilson joins the Lonestar Collective Podcast this week with host Gramps. Debbie is the CEO and founder of Neurology and Endocannabinoids on Facebook and the CEO of Noah’s Ark Consulting