Episode 62: November Update & Research Bill

Discussion of HB 8454 (Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act) and an article by Attorney Shane Pennington that notes the pitfalls and nightmare the bill could be. The bill is the first standalone marijuana legislation to go to the president’s desk in the US. The two also discuss upcoming events that are taking place. Next week TCANNACO plans to discuss elections, legislative action, and bills that have been filed. Read the article and listen today.

Veterans included in new senate bill to conduct biomedical research.

In the previous page of this write-up, an overview was given of several areas. Sections of the bill discussed pertained to societal impacts of cannabis legalization, biomedical research on cannabis, public health surveillance and data collection, awards to prevent underage cannabis use, and national media campaigns on cannabis use. This article will continue that review and include direction for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

New senate cannabis bill to prompt public health and biomedical research

Senate Democrats unveiled a bill that has been long in the works to propose marijuana legalization, placing the matter in the hands of state legislatures. The bill does include provisions to address public health and biomedical research concerns. This even includes outlining allowances for federal agencies to award grants for facilities wishing to engage in cannabis research measures. The article is split into two pages, look for the second article shortly after.