Episode 99: Shaun Salvaje of TxCC Veterans Outreach and Highly Informed

Gramps speaks with veteran Shaun Salvaje. Shaun is the Veterans Outreach Director for the Texas Cannabis Collective. Shaun is a retired military photojournalist working at the intersections of entheogenic education, transformational medicine, and human performance optimization. She is also the creator of Highly Informed. Check out the interview with her here on the Lonestar Collective Podcast.
Veterans included in new senate bill to conduct biomedical research.

In the previous page of this write-up, an overview was given of several areas. Sections of the bill discussed pertained to societal impacts of cannabis legalization, biomedical research on cannabis, public health surveillance and data collection, awards to prevent underage cannabis use, and national media campaigns on cannabis use. This article will continue that review and include direction for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
New senate cannabis bill to prompt public health and biomedical research

Senate Democrats unveiled a bill that has been long in the works to propose marijuana legalization, placing the matter in the hands of state legislatures. The bill does include provisions to address public health and biomedical research concerns. This even includes outlining allowances for federal agencies to award grants for facilities wishing to engage in cannabis research measures. The article is split into two pages, look for the second article shortly after.
Week of 6/18/2022 Cannabis News: Congressional Veterans Equal Access Act, Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero, Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation

This week in review bipartisan congressional members are pushing for a veterans medical marijuana bill titled Veterans Equal Access Act , Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero is reported on for working with veterans groups to donate funds and give products, and a REIT known as IIP has purchased a medical marijuana grow facility from Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation. Audio player included for those on the go.
Episode 37: Mitch Fuller of Texas VFW

On Lonestar Collective, Jesse and Austin have a great conversation this week with Mitch Fuller of the Texas VFW. Mitch is the post commander for his chapter in Leander and is the National/State Legislative Chair for the Texas VFW. Fuller has been working with veterans over the past few years to help gain access to cannabis and psychedelics in the state of Texas.
Episode 34: 420 Bonanza

Jesse and Austin host this week to be the 420 Bonanza. The two look back to the past week and discuss the veterans conference that took place in Killeen, the Texas Cannabis Cup Before 420 Event that took place in Austin, and other news going on with the state of Texas and across the nation.
Episode 31: Texas Veterans Medical Cannabis Conference

This week Jesse and Austin interview Lisa Bueno of Veterans Educating Texans (VET) Coalition and David Bass of Texas Veterans For Medical Marijuana. The discussion goes over the upcoming Texas Veterans Medical Cannabis Conference taking place in Killeen, Texas on April 16th 2022 at the Killeen Civic and Conference Center at 10am. Discussion also includes how Lisa and David got in to cannabis activism as veterans, how they started lobbying at the capital, and more.
Veteran-Made Hemp: An Interview with Oak Cliff Cultivators CEO Eddie Velez

Among the parties that will defeat the Thanos of cannabis prohibition known as Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, one will undoubtedly be veteran advocates such as Eddie Velez.
Veterans advocating in troubling times: 2021 session update with David Bass

The 2021 Legislative Sessions for all states will be the most unusual, unprecedented and unpredictable in each state’s respective history.
Feb 19, 2020 Recap

A recap of the last 6 articles published to TXCANNACO.