Our Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) in it’s current state leaves a vast number of patients without access to medical cannabis that could benefit from it.
Rep. Stephanie Klick’s HB 1535 has passed Texas House with a supermajority and awaits consideration by the Senate to be placed in committee.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
Contact your senator today to support HB 1535, a bill that would expand access for patients.
House Bill 1535, authored by Chairwoman Stephanie Klick, would remove the terminal qualifier for cancer, allowing access to TCUP for all cancer patients. The bill also adds chronic pain, PTSD, while empowering the Department of State Health Services to add new qualifying conditions through an administrative rule-making process. HB 1535 will also raise the cap on THC to 5%.
These are important improvements to the Texas Compassionate Use Program. Texans for Responsible Marijuana policy offers these recommendations on how the program can further be improved.
- Allow Doctors to practice medicine by authorizing them to determine the optimal strength and dosage for each individual patient’s medical needs. This means there should be no list of qualifying conditions/symptoms nor any THC cap, both of which restrict a doctor’s ability to properly treat their patients.
- Move from percentage based dosing to weight based dosing like other prescription medicines. Doctors should be able to recommend how many milligrams of THC, CBD, or other cannabinoids a patient needs rather than using a complicated formula to determine weight from the percentage restriction.
- Protect doctors from federal interference by allowing them to “recommend” (not “prescribe”) low-THC cannabis, which is still a Schedule I controlled substance. This is how all 36 states with effective medical cannabis laws operate.
- Establish patient protections to eliminate the threat of arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner. These protections cover any denial of right or privilege, civil penalty, or disciplinary action, by a court or occupational licensing entity. Parental rights should never be denied, and students cannot be subject to any form of discipline solely because of possession or use of their legal medicine.
- Authorize independent, third-party testing by certified labs for consumer protection and industry accountability. Currently, no independent lab can test medicine dispensed under the Compassionate Use Program.
Thank you for supporting Texas patients and families!
Read more about Delta-8 in Texas
Texas: No more arrests or criminal records for marijuana possession!
FROM TFRMP: Current marijuana laws in Texas are harsh, unreasonable, and ineffective.
In 2018, our state arrested more than 62,000 for the simple possession of marijuana, a substance we know to be objectively safer that alcohol, tobacco, and many pharmaceutical drugs patients are prescribed every day.
Reducing penalties for low-level marijuana possession will free up valuable criminal justice resources by eliminating the arrest, jail time, and collateral consequences currently associated with even small amounts of marijuana.
It’s time for a change!
Ask the Lt Gov and Texas Senate to quickly advance concentrate penalty reduction!
Ask your legislators to support more sensible marijuana policy in Texas!
Wednesday: HB 2593 passed the Texas House by a vote of 108 to 33. HB 2593, authored by Speaker Pro Tempore Joe Moody, would reduce possession of 2oz of THC concentrates from a felony to a class B misdemeanor. It now heads to the Senate where the Lt Gov will assign it to a committee.