HB 1805 authored by Representative Stephanie Klick will be heard in the public health committee on Monday March 13th.
The bill this session is rather short compared to previous bills and is only two pages long. The bill adds only one explicit condition of three conditions as of writing this article. The one explicit condition is “a condition that causes chronic pain, for which a physician would other wise prescribe an opioid.” The other conditions are a “medical condition that is approved for a research program under Subchapter F, Chapter 487, Health and Safety Code, and for which the patient is receiving treatment under that program;” or “a debilitating medical condition designated by the Department of State Health Services under Subsection(b).”
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
The first condition was in previous bills but would wind up being stripped out once it reached the Senate floor for a vote. The second condition solidifies patients being prescribed medical cannabis by a physician in Texas if they are part of an institutional review board program in the state. The third condition is a rehash of the condition from previous bills that would allow the DSHS board to add conditions as they see fit.
There is another attempt to raise the THC by weight cap of 1% to 5% as seen in the bill put forward last session.
There is currently no language in the bill that designates that patients would be protected to continue taking low-thc cannabis products if they are on probation or parole. And there is currently no language about extending the program’s capability of having physical medical cards.
Read more about Delta-8 in Texas
How can your voice be heard if you cannot attend these hearings?
You can submit public testimony on the bill and not even have to show up in person by visiting the following link and filling out the form: https://comments.house.texas.gov/home?c=c410
1). Visit wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home link.
2). Find out who your Texas State Representative and Senator are by entering your address.
3). Get their contact info (email & Capitol phone number – Google is your friend here)
4). Contact their offices stating you are a constituent of their district, and your position on HB 1805
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