TX Cannabis Collective

Texas House Speaker Won’t Interfere With Popular Marijuana Bills

The hot issues for the 2019 Texas Legislative Session are undeniably school finance and property tax reform. That hasn’t stopped people from mentioning the hottest social issue of 2019: marijuana.

Earlier this week, Texas Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen spoke up about cannabis reform. Alex Samuels, community reporter for the Texas Tribune, tweeted out Bonnen’s first official position about reforming marijuana laws:

Credit: Alex Samuels/Twitter

While it is unfortunate the Speaker does not see an effort for adult use cannabis, this sentiment was shared by Governor Abbott in an interview with Fox 51 in Tyler.  For Texas Conservative politicians, not surprising either.

The win here is that Bonnen won’t stand in the way of the progress of any marijuana related bills that move through the House chamber. There are more than a dozen such bills that have been submitted in the Texas Congress so far. Let’s hope a few start getting some traction.


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