Attorney Andrea Steel posted early Tuesday morning that the Texas Department of Public safety (DPS) will be reviewing the Texas Compassionate Use rules to determine if they are obsolete, reflect current legal and policy considerations, and whether the rule reflects current procedures of the department.
Steel states, “Did you know Texas: has the highest medical cannabis license fees in the country?”
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
She then notes that Texas has only 3 licensed dispensing organizations serving the entire state, and only 2 are operating, and that having a dispensary requires vertical integration. That the state has virtually no opportunities for small businesses to enter the Texas Compassionate Use market.
Read more about TCUP (Texas Compassionate Use Program)
The current rules can be found at the Title 37, Part 1, Chapter 12 of the Texas Administrative Code. Per the notice in the Texas Register: To ensure consideration, comments must clearly specify the particular section of the rule to which they apply. General comments should be labeled as such. Comments should include proposed alternative language as appropriate. Comments will be accepted until May 1st and should be directed to:
Susan Estringel
Office of General Counsel
Texas Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 4087
Austin, Texas 78773-0140.
Any proposed changes will be published for additional review and comment. Be ready for further comment once proposed rules are published. Through some online digging this additional contact information was found.
susan.estringel@txdps.state.tx.us Phone Number: (512) 424-5848
Articles on Texas decriminalization and penalty reduction
It would be appropriate to assume that comment by email or phone will not be accepted until it has been confirmed by the department or Estringel that it will be officially accepted in that capacity. Ms. Steel has offered to assist in crafting comments . You can email her at asteel@fbtlaw.com for more info.
That email addy might need to be @txdps.texas.gov
That was pulled straight from a document posted by the state online as there is not an email listed anywhere on any site. That’s also why it was noted that comments submitted by email might not taken and it would be wise to call and make sure first.
We need to expand tcup it would help a lot of people including myself. Hell we need to just legalize and let people choose for their selves. I’m for freedom of choice. Make it all legal. Even prostitution. Freedom of choice.