TX Cannabis Collective

US House Veterans Affairs Committee passes two veterans cannabis bills

congress passes two veterans marijuana bills out of VA committee

Today the House Veterans Affairs Committee passed two bills regarding marijuana access in the United States.

The H. R. 1647 Veterans Equal Access Act, would legalize doctors at Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics and hospitals to recommend medical marijuana to patients in states where it’s legal. The committee approved the measure in a vote of 15-11. Chip Roy (R) of Texas was the lone Texas Representative that voted against it, with Colin Z. Allred voting in favor. Allred represents Texas’s 32nd congressional district. Rep W. Gregory Steube (R-FL) was the lone Republican to vote in favor of the bill.

Rep David P. Roe (R-TN) attempted to have an amendment added to the bill to delay its effects. Roe voiced desires for the bill to take effect when marijuana is descheduled & the VA provides certification of medical benefits. The committee voted against the passage of the amendment 14-12. Steube joining his colleagues in voting for it. Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA), the committee chairman, spoke against the amendment, saying it would “gut the intent of this bipartisan bill.”

H. R. 712 VA Medical Cannabis Research Act

H. R. 712 VA Medical Cannabis Research Act passed the House Committee. The bill’s stated objective is to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a clinical trial of the effects of cannabis on certain health outcomes of adults with chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder, and for other purposes. The committee passed the measure with a voice vote.

Rep Roe and Steube added amendments to H. R. 712. Roe’s amendment would remove specific directives to the VA on how marijuana’s benefits should be studied. Steube’s amendment removes the ability of the VA to punish veterans for state-legal marijuana use and further clarifying that VA doctors can discuss cannabis consumption with patients. Also allowing doctors to record it in their medical records. The committee passed both amendments with a voice vote.

The Disabled American Veterans HQ tweeted about the victory of the passing of the committee today.

Robert Head, the owner of Blue Cord Farms and a Texas veteran, said of the bill’s passage, “While I’m happy for the passage of the bills, I would have liked to have seen more bipartisan support.”

Head went on to further state that national GOP needs to stop living in the 80s on this issue because it’s the year 2020. Indicating that it’s time they get into the present and the facts on this issue.

David Bass of Texans Veterans for Medical Marijuana was pleased with the passage out of the committee and showed appreciation to the members who voted in favor.

Bass stated, ” “Veterans should have an option other than opioids and psychotropic medications for chronic pain and PTSD. That option is medical cannabis. ” After praising members he continued, “But, just like in Texas, the US Senate is a giant, immovable obstacle to marijuana reform. At the federal level, Mitch McConnell is Dan Patrick. These prohibitionists cling to the status quo while they make excuse after excuse why they refuse to allow veterans legal access to plant-based medicine. And President Trump, just like President Obama, refuses to say one word in support of veterans having access to medical cannabis. This is not just. This is not rational. This is corrupt, heartless men hiding their eyes from the truth.”

Now the measure moves to the House floor to be voted on. A date has not been set to hear the bill on the floor.

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