This week in review the FBI noted online that applicants to join the FBI cannot have consumed cannabis including CBD for at least one year, Cannarock took place at Come and Take it Live in Austin, TX, and the DEA has backed off a proposal to place two psychedelic compounds in the Schedule 1 classification after two groups put up a challenge to the item. Audio player included below for those on the go.
This week in cannabis news the FBI states that CBD Use Is An ‘Automatic Disqualifier’ For Employment with the agency.
The FBI has claimed that even recent use of CBD is an automatic disqualifier from employment with the agency. Anybody desiring to join must wait one year from their last consumption of cannabis before submitting an application.
This notice comes despite the change in the federal hemp law back in 2018. The notice came from a series of twitter posts from the Denver FBI office account. The FBI told Marijuana Moment that the Twitter posts on CBD were part of a Q&A that was “specific to our contract linguist position.”
The FBI refers to guidance stating that job candidates “cannot have used marijuana or cannabis in any form (natural or synthetic) and in any location (domestic or foreign) within the one (1) year preceding the date of their application for employment.”
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The FBI has yet to make any public statements regarding how policy for the agency might change given the status change of hemp at the end of 2018 with the Farm Bill.
Advocates and businesses gather at Come and Take It Live in Austin Texas on Saturday for the 6 hour event, Cannarock.

The event consisted of multiple speakers doing advocacy work, two live bands, a live DJ, multiple vendor booths, and a live glass making session. Vendors from across the state and central Texas area came to show off new and classic products ranging from edibles, topicals, glass, and even clothing.
The live dj set was performed by Leah Lakstins known for Hemp Business Builder and Greenlight Events. The bands that performed were The Chaw and Relevant Saints of the Houston area. Speakers included but not limited to David Bass of Texas Veterans for Medical Marijuana, Liz Grow of Growhouse Media, Jesse Williams of Texas Cannabis Collective, Brittan Taylor, founder of Cannarock.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
The next major event in Texas will be the Tx NORML Puff and Putt followed by the Freedom Festival and Marijuana March held by Texas Cannabis Collective and DFW NORML.
The DEA has abandoned a proposal banning two psychedelics after a challenge was put forward.
The proposal, which was put forward earlier in 2022, was retracted after Panacea Plant Sciences and researchers from Emory University challenged the scheduling action. The notice itself does not state that the challenges are the reason for withdrawal. Panacea Plant Sciences filed a motion challenging the DEA’s proposal. This resulted in the DEA being required to respond to the motion by August 29th. This means that the DEA could have possibly been required to hold an administrative hearing to defend its position.
DEA stated anecdotal reports posted by online individuals showed reason to believe that the substances have hallucinogenic effects. The agency then reasons that the posts are making it “reasonable to assume that DOI and DOC have substantial capability to be a hazard to the health of the user and to the safety of the community.” This is just doubletalk for saying “People ON THE INTERNET talk about using these recreationally, therefore they must be dangerous.”
DEA has determined that it is appropriate to withdraw the proposed rule published in the Federal Register on April 11, 2022 (87 FR 21069), and to terminate all proceedings related thereto. DEA is planning to publish a new proposed rule with an amended procedure.
That is it for this week in cannabis news review here at the Texas Cannabis Collective. If there is something going on in the Texas cannabis space that you think others should be aware of, just drop us a note on our contact form online. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter at tx canna co dot com and search for Lonestar Collective Podcast in your search engine to get updates about our show and weekly news. Like and subscribe to our Youtube channel for updates as well. Have a safe week Texas and stay hydrated to beat the heat.