TX Cannabis Collective

What The Hell Happened At Oklahoma’s First Cannabis Cup?

Oklahoma got to host its first Cannabis Cup since the state legalized medical marijuana in the past year.

Usually these events don’t catch too much attention, because things go as planned. Planned meaning that people go to the event, they have a good time and then they go home to possibly say that they attended, or promote a product they saw a vendor come up with and find really cool. That apparently is not what took place, even within the first day of the event.

There were reports being posted across Facebook that people were having to wait sometimes up to 5 hours in line to enter, a half-mile walk from car parking ($20) to the entrance that included traveling through thick mud, no ADA access, no food vendors and water being $3-$4 if you could manage to find a vendor with water. So many people had negative things to say about the event that Oklahomans for Cannabis on Facebook posted about it.

Link to Facebook post here.

The responses did not fail to validate the post about the situation taking place at the event being held by High Times. People were reporting that they were becoming light headed from standing in the heat for so long and others were passing out and having to be carried away by EMT personnel. Even members of the media were having difficulty at the event.

One would be lead to believe that perhaps High Times was not expecting this sort of issue to take place or had not planned for these types of issues, but another post revealed that wasn’t quite true either.

Here are some images taken at the event so that people can get an idea of what the lines and muddy areas looked like.

Image by Samantha Vicent. At one point this was the line to get in to the event.
Image by Samantha Vicent. Muddy areas to get between vendors and concert area.

Texas Veterans for Medical Marijuana had choice words for what they saw the event as. Taking advantage of marijuana culture for money. Judging by the comments they tell the reader to look at, one could easily come to the same conclusion as to this being what has taken place.

Link to Facebook post here.

Tickets were on sale for $62.90 general admission or $99.70 for a VIP ticket. At this cost, Oklahomans are right to be upset.

Click-Ad: The Pharm Haus
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