Texas Cannabis Collective is working not only during legislative sessions, but around the year to change cannabis laws and regulations for the better for the state of Texas. 

Full Spectrum Quality

Our board and team members come from various backgrounds making our team robust in knowledge and experience to get the job done.

Statewide Aproach

Our board and members are positioned across multiple cities in the state. This allows us to effectively promote reform for more of our fellow citizens.

We are looking to get Texas active.

While we may be the ones you see out helping to collect signatures or speaking at committee hearings, we need everyone’s voice at critical times. We offer to get in the loop with being updated by emails and events throughout the year. 


TCC is a 501c4 non-profit based out of the DFW Metroplex area. Our team resides across the major metro areas of Texas and is active on a year-round basis. Our goal is to move forward cannabis laws in Texas from local to state level, and advocate for our state across the nation.

Vision & Mission

Nobody inthe state of Texas shopuld be facing jail time for possessing their medicine. nobody should be facing jail time for responsible adult use of any cannabis product. We work towards making that a reality for as many Texans as possible.


Texas should have zero cannabis prisoners on the basis of responsible adult use. Responsible adults should not be sitting in jail for simple non-violent offenses.


Proper Hemp Regulations

There is such thing as over-regulation and we know Texas will do so if given the opportunity. As well, there are areas where Texas lacks needed regulation and enforcement.


Changing the consequences of simple possession to match the level of offense this purported crime

Medical/Therapeutical Access

Any part of the plant needing to be used for either medical or therapeutic use under the supervision of a doctor should be a doctor-patient relationship.


From tyrant grip we need be free


Providing Texans with accurate information about the situation with cannabis in Texas

Social Environment

Providing the atmosphere for open discussion where ideas are discussed


Texas works best when the market sees proper regulation and is open to competition.


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