The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act passed the Senate today and is headed to Biden’s desk. The legislation will encourage research on marijuana and its potential benefits by streamlining the application process for researchers and removing FDA barriers according to Congressman Blumenauer. More details in the article and podcast update.
The 88th Texas Legislature will convene to begin on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at noon. Prefiling of legislation began on November 14, 2022. The 140th and final day of the 88th regular legislative session, known as “Sine die” is May 29, 2023. More details in the article and podcast update.
The 88th Texas Legislature will convene to begin on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at noon.
Prefiling of legislation began on November 14, 2022. The 140th and final day of the 88th regular legislative session, known as “Sine die” is May 29, 2023.
As of this recording, there have been 7 penalty reduction bills filed in the state legislature.5 bills have been filed in the House and 2 have been filed in the Senate. One legalization bill and one joint resolution bill have been filed in the Senate by Senator Eckhardt.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
A joint resolution is a legislative measure usable by both chambers of the Texas legislature to propose amendments to the Texas Constitution. Each joint resolution requires a super majority in both chambers of the legislature to be adopted. The joint resolution does not require action by the governor. Before becoming effective as an amendment to the Texas Constitution, the resolution must be also approved by the voters of Texas.
Our next podcast episode, Episode 63 will cover the bills introduced so far and some possible plans for the upcoming legislative session for advocates to be involved as much as possible.
TXCANNACO and its staff have also been nominated for several Texas Hemp Awards.
Learn how to become a medical cannabis patient in Texas
The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act passed the Senate by voice vote and is headed to Biden’s desk.
This means that no tally was kept as to who voted for or against the bill.
The legislation will encourage research on marijuana and its potential benefits by streamlining the application process for researchers and removing FDA barriers according to Congressman Blumenauer.
“Research is a foundational element for cannabis policy,” said Congressman Blumenauer, Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus back in July when the bill passed the House. “At a time when there are four million registered medical marijuana patients and many more likely to self-medicate, it is crucial that researchers are able to fully study the health benefits of cannabis. For too long, the federal government has stood in the way of science and progress, creating barriers for researchers obtaining resources and approval to study cannabis. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is an important first step to changing that.”
Read more about TCUP (Texas Compassionate Use Program)
A big takeaway about the bill is that it features language stating that it “shall not be a violation of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) for a State-licensed physician to discuss the currently known potential harms and benefits of marijuana derivatives, including cannabidiol, as a treatment with the legal guardian of the patient of the physician if the patient is a child… or a legal adult.“
The bill has not come forward without criticisms though. Attorney Shane Pennington noted that in some instances the barriers to research have been increased and elaborated further outside of his article and on the Texas Cannabis Collective LinkedIn post comments.
If there is something going on in the Texas cannabis space that you think others should be aware of, just drop us a note on our contact form. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and search for Lonestar Collective Podcast in your search engine to get updates about our show and weekly news. Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates as well.