It’s time to take action on SB3 and SB1505, SB3 voted unanimously out of committee

Texas News

SB3 which will effectively ban most of the Texas hemp market was voted out of committee unanimously while sb1505 medical cannabis has yet to receive a vote.

Likely to happen but doesn't mean we give up or stop talking about it

People are already asking online how 170+ testimonies could be ignored from this past Monday. And it’s a great question for those not familiar with Texas politics, especially after the Senate Gallery had to be cleared out for what Senator Perry considered an outburst. It was a moment of awakening for quite a few Texans as to just how much they can be ignored outside of the voting booth.  But we will take action.

Piper Lindeen who has a Masters in Cannabis Medical Science calls out the legislative body for being incompetent at legislating and poor listeners regarding cannabis policy.

But we aren’t giving up on this fight and if Texans are going to be ignored, we will be on the record for being ignored. We will put it in writing as well to our elected officials so that it is known how we feel on this topic. We will ensure that our voices are heard, even if some of electorate wants to role play as petulant children with grace and tact. 

We will take action and we will be herd. You can click this link and write an action letter to your senator to formally tell them to VOTE NO on SB3 as it was written going into comittee and without resonable changes it should remain a no. As well to inform your senator to push for a committee vote on SB1505 and for it to be heard on the Senator floor. With so much testimony and presence at the capitol this past week, do not let the momentum die down. 

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